Unit 4 Mosshall Ind Estate
West Main Street
Blackburn EH47 7LY
Improved Drivability | Good Fuel Saving

When you book you car in for a Service our technicians not only ensure that the components of your car are working as they should be, but top up and replace parts if/when it is required.
In total you can expect to have well over 50 detailed checks carried out, covering every part of the vehicle.
If you have recently put your car through a Service and would like a check up, why not check out our Interim Service pages to see if this would better suit your current needs.
The Service includes everything that we offer in our oil and interim services plus much more.
Some of the top checks that are included in the Service that you will not find in our other services include:
- Inspect engine and gearbox mountings
- Inspect clutch operation
- Inspect alternator charging rate
- Inspect power steering components and top up reservoir as appropriate
- Inspect brake hydraulic system
To see the full checklist of what you can expect from your Service visit our service comparison page.
Fully comprehensive and detailed safety checks - once your car is booked into our system for a Service you can rest assured that you are in safe hands.