Unit 4 Mosshall Ind Estate
West Main Street
Blackburn EH47 7LY
Improved Drivability | Good Fuel Saving
Almost all modern vehicles have complex electronic control systems fitted to them, the days of just plugging in a 'basic' scanner to correctly diagnose your vehicle are long gone, that's why we use the Official Chrysler Dealer Diagnostic System when performing diagnostics on your car, this allows us to scan all modules fitted to your vehicle exactly the same as the dealer (not just the engine, airbag and brakes). Below is just an example of some of the modules that could be fitted to your car:
- Instrument Cluster
- Electric Vehicle Sound Generator
- SAM control unit
- Weight Sensing System (WSS) control unit
- Electric Vehicle Communication Module control unit
- Starter generator squib
- Power Electronics control unit
- Electronic Selector Lever Module control unit
- Sprintshift Control module
- Electric Refrigerant Compressor control unit
- Crash Sensor, high-voltage battery
- Restraint Systems control unit
- Heater/Air Conditioning operating unit
- ME-SFI [ME] control unit
- CDI control unit
- ESP control unit
- Brake Booster Vacuum Pump control module
- Steering Assist control module
- Battery Management System control unit
- The List goes on...
The ability to obtain a reliable diagnostic scan/report of your vehicle is only the first stage, because we use the Official system we also have access to there online EPC (Electronic Parts Catalogue), this ensure we can correctly identify the exact part(s) required to repair your vehicle, we also have access to the manufacturers TSB's (Technical Service Bulleten's) this informs us of known issues and fixes that occur once the vehicle has entered the retail sector.
We also have the ability to perform software updates and module coding/adaptions online the same as the dealers would, this is needed for the latest generation vehicles that have specific characteristics to match your vehicle as well as security related components.